Learn about training opportunities
throughout the state

Accelerate Your Career: UpSkill for Success!

AIDT offers several training opportunities to our citizens at no charge.  We offer courses like welding, NCCER shipfitting, construction trades, and basic machining, just to name a few. Select one of our centers to see what courses they offer that might interest you. Taking these courses can be the first step into a new career opportunity.

Our Centers of Excellence

Each of our centers offers courses related to their target industry area. Within these courses, are also soft skills courses that focus on being the best employee you can be. 

Birmingham, AL
Alabama Workforce Training Center

AWTC offers courses in the manufacturing and construction industries.

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Montgomery, AL
Montgomery Regional Workforce Training Center

MRWTC offers courses in manufacturing, IT and workforce skills.

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Mobile, AL
AIDT Maritime Training Center

The Maritime Training Center offers courses in the maritime or industrial industries.